The Opposite of Passive Investing Is … ?

Opposite of Passive Investing
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A few months ago, I took a mighty leap and publicly renounced passive investing in my blog – at least as a term for describing the same long-held evidence-based investment strategy to which I remain a loyal adherent. Since that spring post, it’s been gratifying to see momentum continuing to build in favor of evidence-based investing:

  1. The LinkedIn group “Passive Investment Professionals” renamed itself to “Evidence-Based Advisors” and recently topped 1,000 members.
  2. In the U.K. a colleague let me know that the firm where she is marketing manager (and that is also the behind-the-scenes sponsor for the excellent Sensible Investing forum) is revamping its materials to replace “passive” with “evidence-based.”
  3. As I’ve been asking advisors across the U.S. and Canada about their preferred terminology, the term “passive” has become almost universally passé. More often than not, they’re embracing “evidence-based investing” instead.

Carpe Diem, Evidence-Based Advisors

So there you have it. Faster than the masses have been snagging iPhone 6s at their local distributors, “evidence-based investing” has begun taking the world by storm, or at least by an appreciable drizzle.

Which brings us to an unprecedented opportunity.

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