Party On, Evidence-Based Advisors: 2015 Communication Resources: Part(y) One

owlIt used to be, if the evidence-based advisor community threw a party for all of the specialized providers assisting them with their corporate communications, the chip dip would form a surface crust long before it needed to be replenished. Fortunately, if one keeps on partying, the world eventually joins in.

Here is a partial list of some communication support services and resources available to evidence-based advisors these days. The list is by no means exhaustive. Some are silvery new, while others are old, golden friends. Either way, chances are you’ll discover at least one new possibility worth exploring.

Which resources do you depend on? Navigate over to where this piece is posted on LinkedIn, and you can add your favorite resources there in the comments area. Let’s keep the party growing. Continue reading “Party On, Evidence-Based Advisors: 2015 Communication Resources: Part(y) One”