A Wendy’s Wednesday Whimsy
Always proofread your blog posts and e-newsletters, and preview a test version before you really hit “send.”
That’s what I advise others. It’s also what I always do myself.
Well, almost always. Herein lies a lesson re-learned a few weeks ago.
I’d just added some new material to the Content-Sharing Library, coincidentally about how to avoid identity theft and financial fraud. Announcing availability on a Friday, I watched the downloads rolling in over the weekend from interested subscribers. Yay.
Then … remember the WannaCry ransomware scare? That very weekend, reports broke of this new, seemingly major threat. I certainly hadn’t planned my release to coincide with the breach, but had I been psychic, I couldn’t have timed it any better.
So, carpe diem, I decided it would be a great time to release a quick follow-up e-blast and post, with an additional cover letter advisors could use to share the newly released and incredibly timely materials.
That’s when I made a beginner’s mistake. Continue reading ““The One Time” Lesson Learned”