A Rapid Roundup of Evidence-Based Advisor Networks

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A Wendy’s Wednesday Whimsy

Hey, sometimes this marketing stuff works. Between a few targeted initiatives and the “pay it forward” power wrought by word of mouth, I’m happy to report that my e-newsletter mailing list has grown nicely since I launched my independent business in January 2009. And the pace seems to be picking up. Checking my MailChimp stats today, I’ve welcomed about 250 of you to my mailing list this year; with a grand total of just over 800 subscribers to date.

Better yet, most of you are precisely the community I’m best set to serve: fee-only, independent investment advisors who are spreading evidence-based investing around the globe.

So, welcome, one and all! Are there times you feel a little alone in your evidence-based investing efforts? I thought it might be helpful to offer a rapid round-up of some networking opportunities deliberately dedicated to helping you and yours collaborate on this very subject. I’ve mentioned all of them in past posts, but time and attention spans fly by, so here’s a handy review:

A Twitter Handle

Use #EvidenceInvesting to post or find information of evidence-based interest.

A LinkedIn Group

Request to join this managed Evidence-Based Advisors Group If the hyperlink doesn’t work, try searching on the group name. Group membership is mostly restricted to evidence-based advisors. If you send a join request and we query you for more information, let us know you heard about the group here; that should help with the screening.

An EBI Conference

Last fall, Ritholtz Wealth Management, IMN, and friends launched the inaugural Evidence-Based Investing Conference in New York City, with a spring 2017 conference on the West Coast. The second annual NYC gig is coming up in November 2017. (If you’re reading this after the fact, try a Google search, or ask me. I’ll probably know when another one is in the works!)

An EBI News Outlet

If you’ve not yet found Robin Powell’s Evidence-Based Investor platform, why not wander over there for a visit? Robin is a journalist by background, not a financial advisor, so you can share his work with your clients as well. He may also wish to speak to you if you have engaging evidence-based investing stories or insights of your own to report.


Last but not least, I love networking with all of you and have been doing so since 1998. If you’re not yet signed up to receive my e-newsletter directly, use the invite below to give it a go today. By the way, have I missed anything? Let me know and I’ll be happy to share it in a future post.

PS: Are you a BAM firm?

I’ll be attending the upcoming BAM National Conference in St. Louis later this month. Hunt me down, and we can network one-on-one!