Don’t Be Me (Go To the June EBI Conference)

A Wendy’s Wednesday Whimsy

True story. When I was in my teens, my mother, brother and I went to see the Indy 500 world-class motorsports race. Through a family connection, we had darn good seats. But in case I got bored, I brought along a book to read. It was hard to ignore all the commotion, but I managed. Let’s just say I was not this kid.



In stark contrast to this delightful child (with the best laugh ever), here I am at 10 years old, impatiently waiting for my dad to finish his photography, so I can get back to it.



Then and now, if I’m not reading, I’m mostly writing. That might explain why, other than even thicker glasses, not much has changed. (I do wish I still had those awesome bell-bottoms!)

It’s also why I don’t get out much, especially to conferences where people gather and (gasp) speak to one another. Most of the time, I’d rather be writing, reading, or reading about writing.

Last fall, I did break from form and attend the inaugural Evidence-Based Investment Conference in New York City. Not only was I able to write about what I learned in a number of posts (such as this one, this one and this one), I confess to having enjoyed the mini-break and the company of so many like-minded colleagues. Even curmudgeons have to have some fun now and then.

Unaccustomed as I am to so much excitement, I have decided to pass on the second installment of the Evidence-Based Investing Conference, to be held in California toward the end of June. Mostly, it’s just too soon for me to want to give up another several days that I could otherwise spend doing what I do best and love most.

But, as the title of this post suggests, I heartily recommend you give it a go yourself — especially if you missed last fall’s rendition. If you’re something of an evidence-based investing “traditionalist” like me, it’s still important for you to hear the range of perspectives on what our shared strategy has been, is now, and potentially will become as we proceed.

That last one is especially important. If you’re not part of the conversation about the future of the strategy, you won’t be able to say much after the fact about the directions it may take.

As my contribution to the evidence-based investing cause, Mineral and I are inching closer to releasing our free evidence-based investing infographic/poster, first mentioned here. It should be a piece all of us can rally around … while we collectively sort out the granular details.

Okay, thanks for reading. Now, I’m back to some more writing.