A Wendy’s Wednesday Whimsy
This week’s post is dedicated to killing two birds with one stone. If you are an advisor who really should be (or already are) a member of our Evidence-Based Advisor’s LinkedIn group — and you are interested in attending the inaugural Evidence-Based Investing Conference in New York City on November 15 — have I got a deal for you.
Given the similar names, there’s naturally some synergies to be explored between our EBA group and the EBI Conference, don’t you think? The event’s hosts did, so they have extended a special invitation to our group, along with a $400 DISCOUNT off the regular registration rate. Any advisor who is an EBA group member can attend for the reduced rate of $1,095 (regularly $1,495).
To find out what code to use to receive the discounted rate:
(1) Request to join the EBA group.
(2) Look for the featured post with the discount code included.
(3) Register for the EBI event by September 30.
Boom, see you there.
Why might you want to attend? Because we’ve carefully curated this EBA group as a forum of relatively like-minded advisors, we’d like to see a strong showing of us at an event that is, after all, celebrating a term we’ve collectively embraced as our own.
Speaking of “careful curating,” here are our typical qualifications for membership: Our group is optimized for discussions among investment advisers who share a belief in the evidence that market-timing and security selection in relatively efficient markets are not expected to benefit investors after costs. Instead, investors are best served with efficient, low-cost portfolios that: (1) reflect their personal financial goals; (2) expose them to globally diversified sources of persistent market returns (such as asset class and/or factor exposure); and (3) help them manage their damaging behavioral biases.
As I suggested recently in “Evidence-Based Investing: Peace, Love and Chaos,” these are interesting times among those who are positioning themselves as proponents of evidence-based investing! Based on the disparate, but distinguished panel of speakers scheduled, I expect the discussions will be lively indeed.
Personally, I hope to return from the event with a richer understanding of how the term is being used. I also hope to continue shaping its future … which will be hard to do if I’m not there to hear the discussions and participate in the conversations.
I hope to see you there too – listening, learning and speaking up. Are you in?
PS: If you have questions about the event, you can contact IMN’s Marketing Head Matt Gessel, (212) 224-3024, mgessel@imn.org.